FROM: Los Angeles

World Internet Summit New Zealand 2009

$30,033 in just 4 days in front of a LIVE audience? You bet.

Apparently it’s a recession.

But in just 4 days, we generated exactly $30,033 from scratch for a member of our seminar audience.

How? At World Internet Summit New Zealand. 320 people watched LIVE as Sean Roach conducted our famous “internet challenge.”

Best part is, we gave every cent to someone in the audience – Kylie Anderson. And here is the photo to prove it!

Like to know how we do it?

Take a seat and be here LIVE!

It could be you who’s walking away with the money (Kylie Anderson had never won anything in her life before… EVER!).

Here are the details of our next event:

Oh and if you ever head over here to the States, can recommend grabbing one of these…

An American icon – Ford Mustang. Next? I reckon I should hop in Corvette yeah? … woo hoo!

Brett McFall

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