So I’m hanging out in New York and I walk past the David Letterman studios on Broadway.

There’s a crowd brewing outside the stage doors.

So I pop down and have a look.

And who comes out of the doors but past President of the United States, Bill Clinton (who’d just appeared on the show).

So I expect to him to hop in to one of the big cars and be whisked away. But he decides to walk.

And walk over to where I’m standing.

Then he comes over to the group that I’m standing in and starts shaking hands…

And I’m so close to him I’m a little in shock. Shouldn’t the guards be making it a bit harder?

He stops to sign autographs and finally his guards start to step in and push folks back…

So he walks across Broadway and the traffic comes to a standstill. People in their cars are going crazy with excitement – tooting horns, sticking their cell phones out the window to take photos etc.

I walk alongside him to get a better shot (hey, it’s not every day that you get to see a President)…

Then he stops and starts to talk.

Who to?


(okay and a few others too 😉

Then he asks me if he can get his photo taken with me … well okay maybe I asked him.
He says “yes sure” – and the rest is history.

You just never know your luck in a big city now do you.

