Revealed: A Brand New Way To Market Your High-End Product Or Service:

New seminar reveals the world’s most powerful sales tool – and why you are only 90-minutes away from all sales you will ever need

4 Dates Only - 50-Seats Per Event

Thursday March 9

Gold Coast
Friday March 10

Saturday March 11

Sunday March 12

If you are:

  • A coach...
  • A consultant...
  • A speaker...
  • A salesperson... or
  • A business owner...

...and are NOT making the money you need... OR... you are tired of working so hard to GET the sale, then I'm going to show you how to change that forever.

In 4-exciting hours I'll show you how to become a "90-Minute Marketer" and smash your current sales.

MY SECRET SYSTEM: You'll discover how to use what I call the world's most powerful sales tool which converts up to 21% of prospects into paying customers.

And which... with the addition of the internet... can also market your business on auto-pilot 24-hours a day.

LIVE at the event, you'll even get a FREE Marketing Consultation with me in my exclusive "Pitch Me" session (more about this in a second).

FROM: Brett McFall
Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Information Marketer, Coach & Copywriter

Dear Future 90-Minute Marketer,

Do you want to copy my proven system for selling more of your coaching program?

MORE of your high-end product?

MORE of your consultation services?

MORE sales appointments?

Your presenter, Brett McFall

What if you were using my proven system that turns up to 21% of prospects into high-paying customers... in your business?

YOU CAN... and I'm going to show you HOW.

Did you know that you are just 90-minutes away from all the sales you ever need? I have a presentation blueprint that takes just 90-minutes to use and has been responsible for over $20-million in personal sales.

Any business can use my presentation blueprint to get DRAMATICALLY different sales results -
I'll show you step-by-step what to do

You can take my presentation blueprint and plug it into your sales presentations... speaking engagements... webinars... seminars, and more.

Why be content with 1% conversions... 4% conversions... and even 10% conversions - I've worked out exactly how to get much higher conversions for your product or service.

It's all about HOW you present your product or service. Because chances are that you are undervaluing your solution. And so therefore so does your prospect. I'll show you how to fix this with my proven 90-minute presentation blueprint.

NEW! I'll even show you how to put your presentation into an autopilot system that doesn't even need you there!

For example, if you had my Next Level Marketing System working in your business right now, you wouldn't have to chase sales anymore. Your prospects would be chasing you!

All your lead generation would be taken care of. And your sales process would be taken care of too.  Which means, you'd be able to sit back and wait for your new customer's payment to be deposited into your account.

Would this be good? And I also sell products worth $25,000 using this automated system - so there are very few limits on what you can sell.

It's true. Right now I have systems in place where adverts are run online... prospects are put through my 90-minute marketer sales process... and my inbox looks like this below (with no involvement from me):

My proven presentation system works especially well for products and services over $1,000 in value. The below example happened over the period of 1-week, and on full-autopilot for $23,982 in sales:

And the $23,449 in sales below came in automatically from January 7 to January 14 this year (that's over the holiday period when everyone is supposed to be "off with the fairies"):

The $93,000 in sales below came in during just one month marketing a product of mine that's over $3,000 in value - again, I have no contact with the prospect until after they buy - THE MARKETING & SALES HAPPEN ON AUTOPILOT

Now, the question you're probably asking is:

"Brett, how are you doing that?"

What it all comes down to is my
90-minute presentation

Shouldn't you have this system working for your business too?

Wouldn't it make your business so much more profitable?

Sound impossible?

It's not. Why? Because this is my business model that I use everyday.

Since 2004 I've been developing systems to do exactly this. And over $20-million in sales later, I'm ready to let you see my system for yourself so that you can use it for your own profits.

Am I crazy to let you see how I run my
auto-pilot million-dollar business?

Not at all.

The reason I'm offering this 4-hour seminar is because it's good business practice.​ I can easily teach nearly anybody how to DOUBLE... and often TRIPLE... their current business within a very short period.

And when I do, I naturally attract new paying clients. ​Of which you may become one at some stage. If not, then at the very least you walk away with information that NO-ONE anywhere else can share with you.

In short, I'm going to show you what I believe is the most powerful sales tool in the world so that you too can greatly increase the sales your business makes.

Chances are you're not using this sales tool. And if you are, then you're getting it so wrong that it's costing you thousands of dollars every week at least, in lost sales.

"Brett, why do you call this the
world's most powerful sales tool?"

It's simple - if my presentation blueprint turns up to 21% of your prospects from cold to hot... from thinking about it to 'ready to buy' - then those are world-class numbers.

QUESTION: Are you pulling these type of conversion numbers right now?  If not, then book your ticket FAST to my event.

4 Dates Only - 50-Seats Per Event

Thursday March 9

Gold Coast
Friday March 10

Saturday March 11

Sunday March 12

What is the reason for my amazing results?

My 90-Minute Boomerang Blueprint

Yes, just 90-minutes.

And I named it the "Boomerang" blueprint because what you put out there comes back.

Average sales material GET average results.

But I've created a system that lets you give massive value to your prospect, so that they favour you over anyone else.

So much value in such a way that they become hyper-interested in doing business with you? And in record-breaking time - just 90-minutes.

This is not just any 90-minute presentation...

Instead, a proven, scripted, 47-point,
psychologically-sound sales presentation.​

The Boomerang Blueprint below is what I've used to generate over $20,000,000 in sales and is what I'm going to take you through LIVE at the seminar:

If you had my proven presentation formula working for you right now, then you could use it in-person, in-seminar, or in-webinar.

Or if you're really lazy, then in an automated webinar.

In fact, you're only 1 sales presentation away
from all the sales you'll ever need.

In PART 1 of my 90-Minute Marketer seminar, I'm going to flow-chart my entire presentation-system that converts up to 21% of prospects into customers.

I'll explain each part of my system. Which means...

  • I'll show you how to establish instant credibility
  • How to have your prospects nodding and saying "that's right" to virtually everything you say
  • How to make your prospects interested in the exact solution you provide
  • How to get your audience to see you as the ONLY realistic solution to their problems
  • How to use my proprietary "SLE" system to get your prospects excited and hanging on your every word
  • The secret to making your solution - no matter how detailed it is - seem as simple as 1-2-3
  • How to get your prospects to say "why not!" to using your service or product
  • Do you speak on stage or do webinars?  I'll show you how to get that "table rush" that you've seen others do

Then I'm going to show you how to take my presentation secrets and automate them - revealing the 3-steps to putting your marketing on autopilot.

I'll show you my own examples that are working right now:

  • Including Facebook ads...
  • Optin-pages... and
  • My high converting automatic sales presentations

Basically, everything you need to do
and say in your presentation -
online or off - so that up to 21% of
prospects are ready to buy.


  • If you're a sales person, I'll tell you how to do more profitable presentations and even how to have your own automatic sales process (no matter what it is you sell OR what outcome you need)
  • If you're a coach or consultant, I'll tell you the exact step-by-step system you need to have on your side so that extra sales start happening for very little extra effort
  • If you're a speaker I'll show you how to do much higher conversion rates from stage (and even how to create a system where you make sales WITHOUT having to speak!)
  • If you sell an information product that's over $1,000 in value, you can use my system to sell your entire program on autopilot (you can literally just phone up customers after they've paid, to welcome them aboard - no more sales calls to try and land a customer)
  • If you're a real estate agent, you can use my system to have people lining up to buy properties from you.
  • If you're a professional who works for a large company, you could revolutionise the company's results using my method
  • If you're a business owner needing a NEW way to do things - this is it

​This event is FREE to attend.
However, there is just
one little catch

The marketing technique and presentation secrets that I'm going to reveal to you at this event are among the most powerful in the world. As you can see, I've used them to pull in over $23,000  in one week whilst doing literally NOTHING.

I even used my proprietary presentation blueprint in a LIVE seminar to generate over $1.2-million in 90-minutes. I'll tell you HOW at the event.​

​NOTE: This event is not for everybody.

This business model is not for you if you do network marketing, sell ebooks, sell imported products on Amazon or eBay, or don't yet have your business idea up and running.

I have other models for those. This one however is very specifically for type of person below.

This event is ONLY for people who:

  • already have an existing and profitable business; OR...
  • sell a product or service over $1,000 in value; OR... ​
  • have a database of followers of 3,000 or more; OR...
  • are a professional sales person of a reputable product or service.

What I have to teach you can generate such huge profits so easily, I'm restricting access to only people who IMMEDIATELY intend to deliver something of value to the marketplace.​

So what will happen in PART 2 of my 90-Minute Marketer seminar? I'm going to open the floor up to a "Pitch Me" session.

"What's that?"

I want you to get massive value from this 4-hour event. So I'm going to do more than just teach you the 3 key steps to my automated marketing system.

​In Part 2, I'm going to allow you to use my brain. You can step up and tell me your product or service, and then I'll tell you exactly how to apply what I've just taught you.

​This way, you'll walk away with personalised advice for your own situation. Would that be helpful?

Now, something you might not be aware of is that I consult at $2,500 per hour. And that's because I can help business owners get incredible increases in sales.

But at this event, I'll teach you what you need to do to create a powerful sales presentation for your business. Then I'll personally help you with how to apply it to your situation.

There is literally no-one who does this LIVE on stage. And you're right, it still won't cost you a cent.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot buy anything at this seminar.

If you decide that you'd like to work with me after attending this event, then I'd like to be upfront and honest with you. You cannot buy you way into my Next Level program where I train you and also install my marketing system into your business.

And in fact, it's very hard to be chosen as a client of mine. If you fit our criteria, then you can simply let my team know at the end of the day, and they can advise you of the process for doing this.

Hurry, only 50-seats per city. With many already taken.

​This will be the most intense... and exciting... 4-hours of your year. And you must be prepared to take pages of notes.

Truth is, just one powerful idea could change your financial future forever. But I predict that you'll get way more than one idea.

​It's easy to register. Just choose the event and date that suits you. But be quick.

4 Dates Only - 50-Seats Per Event
8.30am till 1pm

Thursday March 9

Gold Coast
Friday March 10

Saturday March 11

Sunday March 12

​So if you would finally love to market your business in a way that gets you much higher sales?

Then why not join me for 4-hours so I can show you how to do it properly.

You'll discover how to turn on the leads like a tap...

...turn those leads into eager prospects...

 ...and turn those eager prospects into paying customers (using my proprietary presentation blueprint)...

...all on autopilot if you want it.

Leaving you to just look after your customers and make them happy.

Oh by the way, there are NO plans for another seminar like this​. 

So if you miss out, then you miss out on more than just the information I'm going to share with you.

You'll miss on the extra sales... the ease of use... the reduced stress... and of course, remember this - the people who DO attend this event will be using my tactics against you.

Doesn't it make sense to learn the system I am using?

After all, you can't complain about the sales you don't get from the seminar you didn't attend, right?

​Do yourself a favour and book a seat right now.

Remember, in Part 1 I'm going to flowchart my entire presentation system that turn up to 21% of prospects into customers.

You can literally go home and try it out IMMEDIATELY.

Then I'll show you the 3-steps to putting your marketing on autopilot.​

I'm going to show you my own Facebook adverts...

My own proven Opt-in pages...

And my high converting automated sales presentations

Plus of course you can ask any question you want along the way.

Then in Part 2 of 90-Minute Marketer, I'm going to run a "Pitch Me" session where you can tell me your business and I'll personally explain LIVE-on-stage how to use my marketing blade system for your OWN profit. Cool, right?

So in summary, I'll do 2 things:

1) I'll teach you what you need to do to create a powerful and automatic sales process for your business. Then...

2) I'll personally help you out with how to apply it to your situation.

I look forward to meeting you in person and helping you with the marketing of your business.

I'm about to teach you what I believe is the world's most powerful sales system and it could change your financial life forever. But not if you don't attend. Register now while you still can.

Brett McFall​

P.S. Please bring plenty of paper to write on as I once I start teaching I tend to give and give. So be ready for really valuable takeaways.

See you there.​

4 Dates Only - 50-Seats Per Event
8.30am till 1pm

Thursday March 9

Gold Coast
Friday March 10

Saturday March 11

Sunday March 12