This attendee happily accepted her cheque for $35,035.67 at our recent World Internet Summit UK in London.


 Why did we give her a cheque for this amount?

Simply because she was sitting in the audience.

In case you’ve been sleeping under a rock for the past 6 years, we do this at every World Internet Summit.

Simply, if you have the lucky ticket you take home the earnings from the business we start during the seminar.

In fact, we gave her the entire business!


The business didn’t stop after the event was over. We accidently forgot to take the site down and it went on to earn a total of $47,000 just a few days later!

And yes she gets this money too. 

She said: “I can’t believe it! I never thought I would win – wait till I tell my daughter.”

Isn’t it time you took at a seat at World Internet Summit?

Next one is coming up very soon

Click below to grab your seat in Sydney February 2011.


Tom Hua and Brett McFall