"Brett I can't wait to apply for Next Level so I can discover how to become a marketer that can convert up to 21% of my prospects into customers... using automated marketing.
If I am successful then I would gain access to the following:

The Next Level 5-Day Experience (VALUE: $62,500)
I'll get to spend 5 full days with Brett McFall as he teaches me his presentation strategies... product-creation tips and advice... and marketing secrets that have been tested and proven since 2004 on tens of thousands of people.
This will massively speed up my rate of success as I embark on the journey of creating a coaching program based around my current knowledge and expertise, or my new vision of where I want to go.
Over 5 intensive days I'll discover the insider's secrets to creating a coaching program worth approximately $3,000 (and potentially higher). With the goal being to get up and running as fast as possible.
I'll then be trained in Brett's 47-step Boomerang Blueprint Presentation System and work on each slide of my presentation with Brett so that it's ready to go before I leave the event.
And finally, I'll get to work on my marketing strategy so that I can provide for myself endless leads as soon as the event is over.

Brett's Next Level Marketing Campaign (VALUE: $10,000)
Why create all my own marketing materials, when I can just use Brett's proven system and get on the FAST-TRACK?
Brett's team will install his proprietary marketing system into my business so that I can be using Brett's systems to grow my business too.
Firstly, Brett's team will set up a Facebook advertising campaign for me. I'll choose the budget I want to invest, and the Team will hook it all for me and monitor it for 3-months. Which means, testing and measuring audiences... adverts... photos... offers... and more. All based on proven past results.
Secondly, Brett's team will set-up the opt-in page so that prospects can register to watch my automated presentation (with their contact details storing straight into my database).
This includes an automated welcome email to prospects who register to attend... reminder emails to attend... and further emails to those that either don't show; don't stay on the presentation; or don't buy after watching it.
Thirdly, the Team will install my recorded presentation into an automated system that delivers my sales presentation 24-hours a day on auto-pilot.
Prospects will be able to buy directly from the presentation and get access to my product/service. Welcome emails will be sent to my customers... delivery of my product/service... and replays of the presentation sent to those who couldn't make it.
And lastly, if needed, the Team will install any training materials that are part of my program onto a password protected website for me, so that there is very little more for me to do.
This would literally take me months to do on my own. But all done for me as part of Next Level.

The Boomerang Blueprint Step-by-Step Script (VALUE: $30,000)
I'll be handed Brett McFall's Boomerang Blueprint with the exact script of WHAT to say and HOW to say it, so that I can create a presentation for myself according to Brett's tested and proven system.
This document alone has been responsible for over $20,000,000 in sales for Brett, and over $15,000,000 for his handful of students that have been allowed to use his script.
With this document in my hands, I will literally save myself 10 years of effort, thousands of hours of testing and measuring - and in an instant know the exact way forward for my presentation.

Powerpoint Template containing the Boomerang Blueprint (VALUE: $5,000)
Brett, this saves me a lot of time and effort. Not only do I get Brett's word-for-word script within this program (above), but now with this BONUS Powerpoint Template, I can just insert my content into Brett's proven and tested wording and know that his Boomerang Blueprint is behind the scenes doing its work.
And because it's in Powerpoint, after filling in the words that are needed for each slide, I can still format it at-will to make it look how I want.

5 Personal Coaching Sessions with Brett McFall (VALUE: $12,500)
To help make sure I use Brett's Boomerang Blueprint correctly and in a way that will result in maximum sales, I will get to have 5 Private Coaching Sessions with Brett.
Brett charges $2,500 per hour, but these sessions are included with my investment.
These sessions will get me on track to working out what my coaching program will look like, how to set up the mechanics of running a coaching program, how to market it, how to sell it, as well as review my work and fine tune my presentation so that I'm ready to fire.

VIDEO TRAINING: How To Create My Product (VALUE: $8,000)
Brett thank you for including this recording of your 2 day event, where you taught your secrets for creating high-value information products, like those you've created and sold since 2002.
I may even have my own products ready to go, but it's always a good idea to make sure what I'm doing is right. And as with all your teaching, I know that everything on these videos will be made simple and step-by-step.
Students at this event each paid $8,000, but I get to watch and learn from these presentations for FREE!

VIDEO TRAINING: How To Sell My Product (VALUE: $25,000)
Brett, you're giving this to me so that I can get access to your awesome training on how to speak and sell.
I know that attendees paid $25,000 each to attend this weekend with you and now I can watch every moment INSTANTLY as a special BONUS with this program.

VIDEO TRAINING: How To Market My Product (VALUE: $3,495)
Once I have a presentation that's ready to sell, then my main focus will be on my marketing.
So your 2-day event that attendees paid $3,495 each to attend, will be a great asset to me. Brett, even if I've done some marketing before, your 20 year's experience as a direct response copywriter will be invaluable.
This takes a lot of pressure off me, as I know your training will show me how to out-compete anyone else in my niche the quick and easy way.
TOTAL VALUE: $156,495
$500 Refundable Interview Deposit
IMPORTANT: Once your payment goes through, you'll be taken to a 12-minute audio presentation that outlines what is expected of you in the upcoming interview.
You will then be emailed a link to set the time for your interview.
This is a serious process. So please be ready to go when the interview time is secured.
Customer Reviews Of Brett McFall's Skills In Teaching You How To Present (click the videos below to play hear from students that paid $25,000 each to be taught by Brett)
Copyright 2017 by Brett McFall - WarpSpeed