"Brett I can't wait to join you for this learning experience so I can discover how to have my presentation convert up to 21% of my prospects into customers. I am totally excited about receiving the following:

The Boomerang Blueprint Step-by-Step Script (VALUE: $30,000)
I'll be handed Brett McFall's Boomerang Blueprint with the exact script of WHAT to say and HOW to say it, so that I can create a presentation for myself according to Brett's tested and proven system.
This document alone has been responsible for over $20,000,000 in sales for Brett, and over $15,000,000 for his handful of students that have been allowed to use his script.
With this document in my hands, I will literally save myself 10 years of effort, thousands of hours of testing and measuring - and in an instant know the exact way forward for my presentation.

2 Personal Coaching Sessions with Brett McFall (VALUE: $5,000)
To help make sure I use Brett's Boomerang Blueprint correctly and in a way that will result in maximum sales, I will get to have 2 Private Coaching Sessions with Brett.
Brett charges $2,500 per hour, but these sessions are included with my investment.
The 1st Session will get me on track to create my presentation according to the Boomerang Blueprint. And the 2nd Session will review my work and fine tune my presentation so that it's ready to go.
TOTAL VALUE: $35,000
(first 5 people only)
$497 down, and 3 monthly instalments of $1667
(TOTAL: $5,498)

Complete Videos Of Brett McFall's Next Level Weekend (VALUE: $10,000)
Brett, you're giving this to me so that I can get access to your awesome training on how to speak and sell.
I know that attendees paid $25,000 each to attend this weekend with you and now I can watch every moment INSTANTLY as a special BONUS with this program.

Powerpoint Template containing the Boomerang Blueprint (VALUE: $5,000)
Brett, this saves me a lot of time and effort. Not only do I get your word-for-word script within this program, but now with this BONUS Powerpoint Template, I can just insert my content into your wording and know that your Boomerang Blueprint is behind the scenes doing its work.
And because it's in Powerpoint, after filling in the words that are needed for each slide, I can still format it at-will to make it look how I want.

VIDEOS: How To Create My Product (VALUE: $8,000)
Brett thank you for including this recording of your 2 day event, where you taught your secrets for creating high-value information products, like those you've created and sold since 2002.
I may even have my own products ready to go, but it's always a good idea to make sure what I'm doing is right. And as with all your teaching, I know that everything on these videos will be made simple and step-by-step.
Students at this event each paid $8,000, but I get to watch and learn from these presentations for FREE!

VIDEOS: How To Market My Product (VALUE: $3,495)
Once I have a presentation that's ready to sell, then my main focus will be on my marketing.
So your 2-day event that attendees paid $3,495 each to attend, will be a great asset to me. Brett, even if I've done some marketing before, your 20 year's experience as a direct response copywriter will be invaluable.
This takes a lot of pressure off me, as I know your training will show me how to out-compete anyone else in my niche the quick and easy way.
(first 5 people only)
$497 down, and 3 monthly instalments of $1667
(TOTAL: $5,498)
"By enrolling in this program, I understand that I have joined as a serious student who is willing to take action and responsibility for my success.
I have ZERO risk. I can take your Boomerang Blueprint and use it conjunction with my own product or service, take the 2 personal coaching sessions with Brett, and if after that I don't think the program is worth TEN TIMES what I invested, then I can have every cent of my investment refunded, plus receive an extra $500 on top as a thank you from you.
This means instead of making my decision now, I can make my decision AFTER I've experienced the program. I'll make it based on what I do know rather than what I don't.
No matter what, I know we still part as friends.
"Brett, I'm ready to go, here's my order!"
(first 5 people only)
$497 down, and 3 monthly instalments of $1667
(TOTAL: $5,498)
Customer Reviews Of Brett McFall's Skills In Teaching You How To Present (click the videos below to play hear from students that paid $25,000 each to be taught by Brett)
(first 5 people only)
$497 down, and 3 monthly instalments of $1667
(TOTAL: $5,498)
Copyright 2016 by Brett McFall - WarpSpeed